Sunday, September 25, 2005

Welcome to my world!

Hello and thanks for reading my blog. I want to use this forum as a means to reach people easily and to answer any questions about my work.

I am a hypnotherapist specializing in past life and future memory journeys via hypnosis and developed a process linking quantum physics and energy medicine with transformational work.

I receive dozens of questions each month and want to begin posting them here in a Q & A format so they might be helpful to more than just the individual.

To see more about me, visit my main website at



Ronald M. Ayers said...

Dr. Shelley, do the healing powers that work on humans also work on our animal companions? So many people wish only the best for their canine and feline friends, since they only wish the best for us. It would be nice if you could tell us how to ensure that they live long, healthy, and happy lives.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hi Ronald!
Yes, I do believe the same energy applies to our animal friends. I have done some work with horses, dogs and cats and found they respond to healing work. Some even say cats have special abilities to 'take on' our stuff for us. I certainly think that's the case with mine.

I've been called out to help some sick horses and I have found they respond well to amethyst and rose quartz stones if you place them in the stall with the animal it calms them down and aids healing.

It's important to try to understand what you pet is trying to tell you. I was called out once to help a critically ill dog who's owners had left him in the kennel. What I discovered is that he wanted their friend to come and pick him up and take him home so I called the owner and told her. When the neighbor came to get him, he immediately improved and is healthier than ever! I think the lesson here is your animals don't want to be left on a cold concrete floor while you're away!

Thanks for writing!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Yes, I do teach classes on gem healing although I have not done as many in '05 as usual due ot travel schedule. I am not sure where you live, but you can check my events page on my main Galactic Healing site ( to see if I am teaching any in your area, or write me and let me know if you want to set one up. I also have a DVD called Gemstone Journeys that shows you how to do the techniques yourself at home.

As far as reaching highest potential on all levels, I think each individual responds differently to the stones depending on how your vibration is enhanced by the frequency of different minerals. For me personally, I have found the stone Larimar to be quite amazing physically spiritually and emotionally. It has a very high frequency and seems to affect people in a very positive way.

Thanks for the note!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future said...

Hi Shellie! I have used your stone that removes pain along with my prayer (go to It works immediately. Also I had some pain that comes from sugar problems and not exercising or watching my diet, and a couple of copper bracelets on each ankle and my prayer and poof. I have not had a replay. love ya.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

HI everyone! I am going to be documenting my trip to india here for you. i am in New Delhi now presenting my research at the World Congress on Past Life Regression. Over 20 countries are represented here and it is an amazing event, for sure!

Yesterday I fulfilled my lifelong dream of going to see the Taj Mahal, noted as one of the 7 wonders of the world and the most amazing momument to love the world has ever known.

India reminds me a bit of egypt yet it is far more developed and I find the energy not quite as intense. In fact, I feel quite at home here, much more so than in any of the other huge cities I have visited. The people here are beautiful and very aware of hteir connection to God and the higher power. We are learning the HIndu ways which I find quite enlightened and visted a huge temple the other day.

We also did some shopping. Someimes in these places the tour guide is buddies with people in a store and gets a cut of whatever is bought so we went to a big mall like store and got lots of eleborate sales presentations. None of us were fooled though since we've seen it before. We may be becomming a bit jaded, I fear! LOL!

I will present my resaerch tomorrow and then the conference will continue until the 12th when we leave to a tiger reserve and elephant festival.

I wish you could see this place! It is unbelievable and like I have been transported into another world. The business of everything and the elephants walking down the roads the chaos in traffic and everyone honking their horns. WOW! It is alive!

Until next time, namaste!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

The Question of Destiny in Our LIves

Hello again from India. It has come to my attention since coming here that there is a very ancient form of divination here called Naadi Leaves and I want to tell you about them here.

Apparantly, several thousand years ago scribes wrote predictions for the future for certain souls and recorded them on bamboo leaves. These writings have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years and are to be discovered by certain people at preordained moments in time. The writings record the soul history and tell everyting the soul has and will do including itme of death, exact names of parents, etc - too much to say here.

I had never heard of this before I arrived and my roommate told me about it and said she planned to travel t south India to get this reading when the conference was over. I immediately said, "Can I get this in Delhi?" She did not know and researched it for me and yesterday went to a place where it is done.

When she returned she told me about it and I went immediately to this place. When yo arrive they do not ask your name or anything else about you. They simply take your thumbprint.

Then they go to a room where the documents are kept and search for yours. Amazingly, they found mine within a few minutes and through process of elimination my exact record was located along with another friend who I took with me.

I was stunned by what they told me. They said my name "shelley" my fathers name "mickey" and exact date of my birth, day of week, and too many other very personal details about me to tell you here.

I went back to the conference after they found my records and the records of my companion and told this to a few people who I took there today and they too had records that were found.

One person who went today was told no, there were no records, and my friend who originally told me where to go to have this done did not have her records there. I still think hers are down south where she is going on Saturday.

What you need to know is that this is the only record like it in the world. It is literally like finding a needle in a haystack and what is the likelihood of all of us coming here and finding it together like this?

It makes me rethink many of my philosophical contemplations about the nature of destiny and the soul.

Are all things actually preordained and destined to happen or is there free will? I asked this to my new friends there and they told me this reading will offer the highest path, warn of future troubles.

As author of a book on parallel universes I had to wonder what to think of this. I said "What if you tell me this is my destiny but I also see another path to take? Can I still take that?"

"Yes, of course," he said, "but we can warn you of troubles and the other path may actually have more troubles than the highest destiny."

So as I struggle to come to terms with this shift in paradigm between total control of destiny verses the preordination of our souls paths and contracts, I am totally blown away.

To think that these 4 women I met here and I may have met thousands of years ago to leave ourselves a message we would happen to find in March 2006 is absolutely amazing to me. These 4 friends will be with me the rest of my life - I know it!

What comes next is the actual reading. Once my record was found, the astrologer pulls it and sets an appointment with you to come back and read it for you. As synchronicity would have it, the five of us will travel together to do this tomorrow afternoon.

So what do you think about destiny? Do we have freewill or are all things preordained? Would love to see what you think.

Meanwhile, I have to give my lecture soon so until next time, namaste!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future said...

Was it Spirit, the actor, writer of your script leaving you a communique? or was it Your future you leaving a communique that would assure you make the proper deciasion? I experienced in prediction that most people choose to create a different reality as opposed to the one that they would have experienced. Who was it wrote "The I took the Path less traveled," must have also experienced this knowledge? Knowing in advance creates a 'Major Ed Dames mentioned it the last talk on and I cannot at this moment remember the word he used,' but this is why I have up reading for people. Now I focus on Healing at the Quantum level and getting rid of the stuff in the little red wagon we drag behind us and their by being more in tune to our life path. Having your experience before you and having had time to think on it..., How do you feel about it in relation to what I am proposing?

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

hello all! some time has escaped me because we have been busy traveling. about the naadi journey - it turned out there were 7 people from the same conference - all women who shared this cosmic experience. there was some skepticism among people and I ended up talking to an india woman who I respect who does believe in it. we all got our readings and I am happy to report I will have a long life here into my 80-90's and beyond. it was a good reading. at the end of it, we all blessed the offering and did a ceremony which was quite cosmic.

the next day we went to jaipur and i am here now staying in a palace owned still by the royal family. ths is the oldest mountain range in all of india and yesterday we went to an annual elephant festival. the day before we rode an elephant up a mountain to a beautuful palace and I went into a temple where I received a special hindi blessing with a flower lei. Not everyone received the lei which I did not understand.

jaipur is the gem capitol of all india so we went to a shop and into the back room where hundreds of loose sapphires, rubies and other stones were laid out before us and I began to negitiate a deal for us to buy some. I bought myself a stunning loose blue sapphire and got it set and delivered to my hotel yesterday. sorry writing is sloppy but i have to hurry as someone is waiting for this computer. if you posted here I will write you when i get home.

anyways, today is a mens holy day and we have to stay put int he hotel all day because otherwise in this 'festival of color' we will get shot with paint and the guides dont want us out.

i am staying at the oldest most famous place in town where princess di and charles stayed. also jackie o. next month prince charles and camilla will be here and chelsea clinton was just here.

this place is major haunted and my friend marion and i had to stay the first 2 nights in the smaller room which used to be a servant quarters. I had dreams those nights that startled me awake about these servants. they were not mistreated but nevertheless,they are still here, for sure!

There is also the spirit of the prince here who I felt last night when I was in the stuite.

gotta run now so more later. I will later visit tantra temples in ganges river and a stop in london to tie up some loose ends from a past life.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

HI again! I have a few minutes this morning to post before we leave to delhi so I wanted to comment on the comments about the naadi leaves.

I think there are probably some places we are destined to be or people we are destined to meet but within that we have the realm of free will. One man from the conference said it like this: life is like an itinerary for a planned vacation. If we were planning a tour of europe we may like to visit England, Scotland and France on particular days. We know when we will be there and we might like to see Stonehenge and the Eiffel Tower, yet within that framework who knows what will happen to us.

As it turned out the reading was a lot like that. It was not as specific as the few pieces of information they gave us to convince us it was our leaf they had found. It was more about general information relating to time periods of life like when I am 43 and 50 these are strong periods for me when good things will happen, or whatever.

Of course, I am free to choose to believe it or not but since it was so positive, I say why not! I choose to believe my life is blessed.

Anyhow, I also wanted to tell you about our trip to see the elephants. We got up in the morning in Jaipur and took an elephant up a mountain where we were let off at an old palace. It was quite magic and something I had wanted to do my whole life.

The Taj Mahal was interesting. This is in a town called Agra which was 7 hours by bus from Delhi - partly because it is such bad traffic.

Although I wanted to go there my whole life I thought the place was a bit creepy. We got there at dusk so that when we walked inside near the tombs of the king and his wife it was eerie for some reason. Somone said the king was so insistant that this be the very best and most beautiful place in all India that he cut the hands off the craftsmen who worked on it so they would never be able to make that kind of beauty ever again. Who knows, I just know I did not like it there and my opinion on this was shared among many people in our group. I can say it is most likely I will never go there again - in this life anyhow.

Today we go back to Delhi to drop off our friend from the Netherlands then tomorrow we go to Vainasi (sp?) which is near the Ganges.

I will post again asap. Meanwhile, namaste!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

The Oldest City in the World

Today I visited Kajarajo where all the tantric temples are. These are the temples that have the images you see in the Kama Sutra books. It was really interesting and I was finally able to do some good shopping in the town there. For some reason in most places I visited the tour guides dont want to let us out on the streets because they are worried we will be mobbed or something. I would much prefer that to being enclosed inside a shopping mall which is what we have mainly seen so far.

Later in the day we hopped a 40 minute flight to Varanasi which is known as the oldest city in the world. This is right on the Ganges river.

The guide brought us to the hotel and told us we could go tonight to see a special nightly ceremony on the river which we decided to do.

The city here is one of the most amazing I have ever seen in the world. It is much more alive than most Indian cities I have seen so far. Thousands of people all over the streets and wonderful shops filled with beautiful fabrics and shoes, etc. In a couple shops we looked in you could see the cows sitting right next to the counters as if they were trying to purchase something! It was wild!

When we approached the Ganges we had to leave the car behind and for the first time were able to really get out amongst the chaos and walk for ourselves. Lots of folks were selling religious items for use at the ceremony. A few days ago in Jaipur the Holy Day celebrations were going on and to some extent they still are.

When I approached the Ganges and looked out to the river my entire body got the chills and I began to cry for joy. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. This is an incredibly powerful spiritual center for the world. within just a few miles you have buddhist temples, hindi temples and jain which is like a denomination of hindi and even a catholic church.

We went to the river and our guide purchased us a little candle in a leaf cup and we got on board a canoe like boat - you may have seen these on tv - and floated in the river. I was still crying at this point - not obnoxiously, but tears were running down my face. It was like I was home for the first time in a very long time. I have never felt a spiritual power like this before. There are only a couple moments in my entire life I have felt this amazed by a placce. Egypt when I passed the pyramids was one, athens greece at the parthenon, rome at the vatican, cuzco peru - to name a few - but none have brought me to tears like this.

Anyways, we sailed out in the river and lit our candles and watched as they silently sailed away and the guide said the longer they float the luckier and longer the life. My friend and I noticed ours floated a very long time.

Our friend Todd could not stay for this part of the trip and his wife died of cancer 3 years ago and he brought some of her ashes and wanted to spread them someplace nice so I told him I would take her and at this time I went ahead and said a prayer for her and let her go. I think it was a very appropriate moment for that.

Next we floated over to see the burning funeral pyres you may have heard about. The people bring their dead right to the river and put the water on the body 5 times to represent 5 elements of fire, air, water, 'space' and earth and then they wrap them in a golden saree cloth face showing then they take that golden cloth off and put them on the fire to burn for 3 hours then let the ashes go into the river. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week people are bringing the dead here. When i was there we saw 4 bodies burning and two others in the river being washed. Then two other groups brought bodies down and rushed them into the waters./

one of our westernized friends was making a comment the other day about the unbelievable polution and the disgusging practice of doing this, but today when I witnessed it myself I thought about the fact that in some ways this really is more natural and civilized than what we do here in our world because the family has a very short mourning and then they do the process themselves which must bring some closure and in the end, the person goes back to the earth the way they came in without taking up land, etc. Intersting to witness, for sure.

After we watched an amazing fire ceremony with dancing from the boat and drank a little cup of tea our guide made.

Then we went to the shore and I was finally able to purchase a picture of Lord Shiva whose temple we will visit tomorrow. This is the city for Shiva.

When we got back to the hotel we were asked to eat some good food being served in the lobby and an Indian TV host interviewed me for the news to see how I liked it. I think he picked me after he saw my Shiva picture - I am not sure.

Anyhow, it was one of the most amazing days of my life. I am certainly not the same person after this experience.

Gotta run again!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hi from my home away from home - NEPAL

I decided I cannot come around the world without visiting Nepal so I canceleed my flight and came here. This is one of the best things I have ever done.

When I was first in India I had a dream about an unusual brass bell and have been searching for it and finally found it today. It was not a bell - it was a brass candle holder in a Buddhist temple and I was able to acquire it for a donation.

Tomorrow I will take a flight around Mount Everest then fly back to Delhi, wait about 9 hours and get on the flight home.

Lots to tell you about Nepal but I need to give this nice lady her computer back.

Let me just say that whatever it was I was looking for in this journey I have found here. True inner peace, if such a thing exists is what I feel here.

I am reading the adventures of Don Juan by Casteneda now and you may recall in the beginning of the story when Juan tells him to ;find his spot' and he gets very frustrated as he works his way around a cement floor until he finally finds the one spot that brings him peace. I believe that spot for me is Nepal and the visit to Varanasi and the Ganges river was the catalyst that made it happen for me.
No more writing til I am home on the 23rd. London will have to wait.

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future said...

Hi Shelley:
my teacher in Raja Yoga, Harish JoHari, and Sharym Bhagnagar, used to look about carefully and choose where to sit. They once asked me how i find my place or spot..., I simply said I roll around a little and choose it by how it feels. as to the contamination in the river, i am sure that the natives could drink the water and not be affected. I remember when I put a family crest over a picture of a carving of a Hindi God. This may have insulted the god and I was sitting under it, when I heard some beating of wings and heard a ripping sound and the crest came down behind me and I never again did that.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Home at last!

HI! I am still waiting to actually check my emails while I try to heal and decompress from my journey.

About the last posts, yes, I do believe that the locals are okay with washing themselves in the river and that there are probably no health concerns for them. If for not other reason than the fact that the water is so blessed! If you believe in Emoto's work Messages in Water, then it makes sense that this is some kind of powerful water, for sure! I know I can attest to that!

Other cool things that I did on the trip include seeing a snake charmer in Jaipur who wasa charming a cobra out of a basket like what you see on Indiana Jones. For some strange reason, I ran over to him and sat downright next to him and began to pet the cobra. Instantly I could feel the reiki or healing energy coming from my left hand as I pet him (I dont really know if it was a he or not...) and when I did, the snake turned around slowly and looked at me! For a split second I thought "What the hell am I doing? I could be killed!" But that thought passed as quickly as it came and I continued to send this poor snake some healing. I hope my friend Lou will email me the pictures of this because I am sure some of you cannot believe it! I know I couldn't! I thought about this poor snake the whole rest of the day and I continued to send him some healing. I also gave his master $5 which is a lot of money to them in hopes he can take better care of the snake.
That said, I want to tell you about my magical journey in Nepal and yes, Shannon, Tibet would be next on the list, for sure! Next time I would like to have more time to do a trek for a few days and journey into Tibet which I am told would take about 10 days.

So what happened was that I was in Varanasi on the second day and we got up early to go see the sunrise on the Ganges. This was UNREAL! The sun was rising to my left and the moon was still out on my right as we sailed past all the bathers and they feverishly worshipped their God.

After this hour long ride up and downt he river where we were able to see everything since it was daylight and not dark like the day before, we eventually parked the boat and got out right near the crematorium where they were putting the bodies in the river.

Then the guide led us to a holy man who was giving blessings and we got one and made a donation.

Then on to some freaky shops in the foot wide alleys of Varansasi and we went inside a restricted area and into a store up some stairs so we could see the top of the Golden Temple in Varanasi. Then we went to a mala sacred bead shop and I purchased some beads dipped in oil that had been blessed in the temple. they have super cool vibes!!! :0)

Anyhow, I started to hear that Bon Seger song in my mind called Kathmando - do you remember that one? I really dont like Bob Seger too much so I wondered what was up! Before we left town we went to a shop and I purchased a hand painted Tibetan Mandala and the shop owner handed me a Buddha as a gift. On the plane they served Himalayan water and I am really big in to the fact that whenever I go to a new place I need to take a shower as soon as I get there to help me acclamate better so little by little I was thinking about going to Nepal.

The next day after trying for literally a week and a half to reach somebody at the airlines, I finally got them and after calling back 3 times I was able to get somebody who could successfully rearrange my flight so I could go to Nepal.

I got there late the first night and stayed in a gorgeous hotel with the neat Nepali carvings you see on the buildings. The next morning I woke up and ate and walked around and shopped. This was the first time I was actually shopping oin the streets alone and it was a ton of fun. My hair is longer now and blonde so I tend to attract some attention to myself but the people were really friendly and nice and I bought some cool little things.

At 11a.m. the tour guide came to get me and we went to 5 places including the largest Buddhist Stupa in the world. I will have photos as soon as a develop them. THey are not digital because by this time my digital was out of room.

Also went to Golden Temple built around 1200 and I ate lunch on a rooftop where I could see all the neat apartments where people were living and had a perfect view of hte stupas around this ancient complex. It was here, among all the places that I really felt I had been there before. There was one section of the complex I know I had been in and I took a photo of it.

I also visited the crematorium and saw the burning bodies. In Nepal they believe in burining htem and floating the ashes down their sacred river - cant recall the name right now-- and also in preserving hte persons head by wrapping it in gauze like mummifying it and then sending that down the river. Some pilgrims were bathing in the water when there appeared some black round things washing past them. You can imagine for yourself what they were and yes, I did comfirm that with my guide.....

We can say "Oh Gross! That is disgusting!' But for the same reasons as mentioned above, this place is blessed! The Shiva Temple is right there and I got to take photos of that although I cannot go in there, nor could I go int he Golden Temple of Varanasi.

I did visit the Shiva Temple of Varanasi though, and I got some neat bells from there.

Anyhow, after my whirlwind Buddhist tour I went back took a nap, ate and went out shopping again that evening to pick up a 100 year old painting from the shop across the street from my hotel. This was a shop where they do the Mandalas so I went in to see what they had and the ownder took out this painting his grandfather did over 100 years ago. His name is Karma Llama (what an awesome name!) and he and his brother are 6th generation painters. Of course, I wasnt interested in anything but that ancient painting from the moment I saw it. It is really special. I saw it in the morning and that night I bought it. I have to get a frame for it now. It was rolled up with all the others. A true treasure from my journey!

The next morning at the crack of dawn - that's 6 a.m. for those of you who don't know what the crack of dawn means to me! LOL! I was picked up by my driver and went to the little local airport to take a flight to Mount Everest on Buddha Air!!! (You did not know the Buddha has his own airline, huh? Well, there ya go! hee hee)

This was oneo f the most incredible experiences of my life! They take you flying in a little plane with only two rows of seats so everybody gets a window. On the way out I sat on the right which was on the green side and could see out into the Himalayan valley at the little settlements there and all the people living outside of Kathmando int he country. To my left was the range of the highest peaks int he world, all jagged and covered with snow. UNREAL!

One by one, the captin allowed us to walk up to the cockpit to see out hte front and by the time I got my turn since I was sitting near the back, Mt. Everest was right in front of me as I looked out the front window!!!!!!!!! I could not believe this! I was for the first time in my life, literally on top of the world!!!

Then he did a uturn and I saw the rest as we flew back toward the airport. The flight attendants were wonderful and they would come by and point out the peaks to us on our map we received. At the end, they gave everyone a big 81/2x11 postcard/certificate saying I flew over the mountain. It was really cool!

I need to rest some more but will write again either later today or tomorrow. I will be getting to my email in the next day I suspect.

Also, some of you have written asking how to write on the blog. I am no expert to blogging but you need to look at the link to the left of the front page of this that says 'previous posts" and click on it and it will bring up a white screen. Then you see the box ont he left that says 'leave a comment" and if you do not have an account there is a hyperlink to sign up and then once you do that your comment will appear.

Have a great day and God Bless America!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future said...

Hi Shelley, i blogged you and your on my blog. for people to be aware of you moreover, I love your story regarding the snakes..., I know exactly what you went through when you realized momentarily that this thing could have bit you and bye bye...., love mick

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Thanks for adding me to your blog, Mick!

I am getting reacclaimated to the western world again and I have noticed a few interesting things:
1) at the gym, I realize that I am not as tired as I used to be despite bad jetlag. I think it could be because of my meditation. When I realized I was going to be stranded in airports for over 48 hours trying to get back to the states, the only way I could keep from losing it was by meditating and using a Buddhist mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.

When I returned to the gym, although I theoretically should have been out of shape and miserable, I realized I could do the same amount of work as if I had never left my work outs. That old saying of the exercise and endurance is all in your mind is something I can really feel for the first time! WOW!

Although I'm making the workouts, I have had to sleep a lot and I have lots of dreams about shopping in markets, etc. so I am still in India to some degree, or at least I am still trying to process all I saw there.

We were running like maniacs the whole time so it would not be surprising to think it will take time to process.

Meanwhile, I am still pondering my date with destiny and all of that.

I will be home until the end of April so plenty of time to catch up.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hi Merle!
I will be traveling to Mexico City on May 1 this year and will keep you in my prayers.
I will be back in the Ft. Walton area speaking at Unlimited HOrizons May 21st and doing gem healing and Galactic Healing out at Unity Pensacola.
I look forward to talking to you about your novel then!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

On the Road Again......

HI! Sorry for no posts lately. I seem to only think of this when I am traveling so here I am in Sant Fe speaking at the International Conference on Science & Consciousness at the gorgeous La Fonda Hotel.

This hotel is next door to one of my favorite sacred sites in the entire world, THe Loretta Chapel. I wrote about this place in Gemstone Journeys because it is the chapel where there is an upper balcony and the nuns used to have to take a ladder to get to it until one day a 'carpenter' mysteriously appeared and built an incredible spiral staircase to the top of the balcony that had zero nails in it. When the nuns woke up one morning, assuming he would still be working, the staircase was finished and he had disappeared and took no compensation for his work. NEAT!

I took one of my friends there who had never been in it before and when we got there it was crowded and he started in on his opinions about the church which are not all positive, as I assume many of you feel also. I told him to just sit and be quiet (hee hee) and within minutes he had tears in his eyes and said that during his normal meditation when he brings white light in from above, he experienced the light this time as coming from the walls of this place.

I of course, got the chills as soon as we went in. It is a neat place if you ever get the chance to visit. I was born in ALbuquerque, so this is close to home when I visit my relatives but I always try to stop on the highway when driving to Colorado or I am in ALbuq.

My talk will be on Tuesday and I will speak on Beyond Reality and parallel universes. The conference is packed with people from all over the world.

Yesterday I finally got to personally meet William Tiller from the What the Bleep movie. I sent him a copy of Beyond when it first came out and really had not followed up. I was pleased to learn that he remembered it and thought it was "quite an epic" and "a worthwhile read." That's about all I can ask for!

If you go to my site there is a link to BBS radio and the other day I interviewed Fred ALan Wolf from Bleep and Dan Millman - both of whom will also be here later on - you can hear these shows in archive on the BBS Radio site. You go to the site called and then up to the top to the link for BBS Radio and you can see it there. I was really happy to talk to Dr. Wolf because I am a fan!

Anyhow, gotta run! More later....

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hello from amazing Mexico City!

I left Santa Fe to head up to Portland and Seattle for some booksignings.

Portland is a wonderful city (I love Seattle also) and it has some of the best customer service I have ever expereinced in an American city.

I left the area on May 1 to go home to TX for about 5 hours before heading out to Mexico City, a place I have always wanted to visit.

I am staying in a youth hostel in the heart of the historic district. I decided to go that route because I always meet interesting people that way and it is super cheap! This place is only $12 US dollars per night and includes eggs, cereal and coffee in the morning. It was rated the number 1 hostel of its kind in mexico and number 2 in North America. I may be going through some mid life crisis too, LOL! I used to go to places like this often but that was 15-20 years ago so it is making me feel like a kid again!

The Zocalo is the center square in the city where the presidential palace is - yes the pres Fox lives here now-- and it has some amazing original murals done by Diego Rivera who was Freda Kahlo´s husband. This is the second largest square in the world only the one in Moscow is bigger. I think it must be a quarter mile across this thing! My legs are tired!

I saw a museum of Juarez complete with his furnishings which was neat.

Then I went into the Temple Ruins which are right off the main square. This is an ancient Aztec site where there is an enormous temple complex and it is partially buried under the Cathedral Metropolitana, which is the main Catholic Church in the square.

There was an incredible presentation while in Santa Fe by Freddy Silva the crop circle guy about the fact that many churches are buried under sacred sites and I have to say Mexico City is certainly a primary example of this.

In fact, in the news over Easter there was a big story about some temple that was found here right under the site where some Catholics were about to perform a crucifiction reinactment. WILD!

I did not see that one, but I saw a bunch. Yesterday when I woke up I was able to go by subway and bus to visit the ruins at Teotihuacan which was the original city in the area and home of the amazing temple of the sun and the moon. I took lots of pictures there and hope some turn out so I can post them soon. I still have to post some India pics too which I will do when I get home someday!

Tomorrow I travel by plane to Puerta vallarta where I will stay a week. A friend is having some dental work done and I am going to help out. Suppposedly this is a good safe and cheap place to have teeth fixed for those who are self employed.

Hasta Luego!

Sounds from the Past affecting the Future said...

Hi Shelley; My daughter Shawn Ling and her boy friend are staying at P. V. just now as a refresher from their present life work. She just finished her first year at Rochester U. on her doctorate. Also, I remember my grandma telling me about the chapel and i believe that St. Joseph, whom they prayed to assist them did as I believe, it was he who built the winding stair case without nails. Oh, yeah, I know people still think that people die and sleep, but there are those whose vibrations allow multi-dimensionality and I know Father Pio has also been know to return from time to time from where ever they presently are according to our time. I love the way the vortex forms and they draw into our reality. I believe that our reality is a sensual consciousness experience we use to experience this sense of reality. *Consciousness being defined as a timeless state of Ecstasy, Joy, Rapture. Hope to hear from you soon. P.S. waiting on that stone we spoke about while you were in Florida.-Michael

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. kaehr

glad to know you had first hand experience of Naadi.

I have never visited the place actually.. But my parents got me this audiotape of the reading.. it was something.

the original south indian naadi (attributed to the sage agastiyar) is called agastiyar naadi and is in ancient tamizh. only few people can actually read the old tamizh lettering.

just thought you should know.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hello from London and the Emerald Isle!

I am finally back on the blog after a long time. I was planning to write from Russia but could never find any internet access because I was floating down a river between St Petersburg and Moscow with hardly anything in between the two places except for a few small villages. that was quite a journey...more on that one later.

For now, I was invited my my friend Theresa to come to London to visit her for Christmas and although I thought I was all traveled out for 2006, it was an offer I could not refuse..a once in a lifetime.

I am staying in the southwest part of London in a little cottage near Hampton Court, famed home of the tyrant Henry VIII. Interesting I have believed for a long time now that I lived at that time and also at the time of Elizabeth I...I will visit Hampton next week after the holidays so more about that then...

When I first arrived here I was set to meet my friend at her cottage right after I arrived so I took a train but somehow got 'lost' and wound up instead at London Bridge and I was sleeping on the train and was tired but about a minute or so before the train stopped I started hearing that little song 'london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...' in my head and next thing I knew I woke up and looked out the window and there was the Tower of London out the window which was one of my main places I wanted to go to so I got off the train and called my friend and told her I would just meet her after she got off work and I rolled my suitcase on the tour of the tower. Up and down the stairs was quite a workout,but it was luckily not too bad because I tend to travel light anyways....i immediately went and ate a plate of fish and chips with vinegar which was awesome and I needed the energy in order to drag around the tower which took the rest of the afternoon.

I was working at getting back to the suburbs where I was supposed to be by 5 but after I left the tower complex I was guided to walk over to Tower Bridge and tour that which takes you on an elevator up to the top of the bridge for a spectacular view of the city and a little movie about its construction.

After that, I continued down the road the bridge is on and saw the back view of the Tower as I made my way toward this other huge building that was calling to me and when I got there it was a huge park memorial to men lost at sea, but it was also in old times like 1400-1500 the site of where the commoners lost their heads. I walked to the front of the building and looked out over the grass facing the Tower complex and could only imagine what those who awaited their untimely ends must have been thinking as they stared out to the cheering crowds...kind of like Roman Gladiators, it was quite a public spectacle in those days to watch a beheading....or so I'm told.

I was about to hit the Tube (undergraound subway in London) when I spotted a very ancient Cathedral and was compelled to go in. I knew my visit to this area of the city would not be complete without going in and when I did, I ran into the most amazing priest who came up and talked to me about the history of this place which he said was hundreds of years older than the Tower iself. There was a peace and a sense of spirtual refuge there that was not present in any other spot around it. It was very uplifting after the heavy energies around the Tower complex and park.

The priest said something to me that day that was so profound, I knew it was my whole purpose for being there. I had asked him how to get back to the tube from there and he looked at me and said:
"You know you Americans do not know how to ask the right questions."

I said, "What do you mean?"

He said, "Where do you want to go?"

"Clapham Junction," I said.

"You see there...that is what I am talking about," he said. "You need to say what you want and then you can find the right way to go."

And he ended up giving me more specific directions as a result of my goal than he would have had I only requested the nearest Tube station...the two answers were not the same!

I thought it was profound because I just finished teaching a class at Unity of Dallas where we assessed our values and got in touch with the deeper parts of ourselves and what we really want to create, but how many times have we forgotton how to ask for exactly what we want and settle for the next step only? Reminds me of what we all know -- keeping the end in mind. Interesting...

More on my adventure in Ireland in a moment!

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

About my Adventure in the Emerald Isle....

After the Tower I came back to the cottage that night and collapsed and did not wake up until about 3pm the next day since I had not slept since a couple days before when I was home in TX.

When I woke up I had a pressing urge to pop over to Ireland. I had a vision of me sitting in a pub enjoying a pint and watching some Irish band and I went that next day to the travel agent and booked my trip for 3 days in Dublin.

Meanwhile I explored London and went to the British Museum on a quest to see the famous Crystal Skull there which will be the subject of a forthcoming book out in 2007...stay tuned for that adventure in the new book!

Anyhow, on Saturday I flew over to Dublin. It was quite a chore getting there through all the security at London Gatwick airport and construction on the train tracks and all of that. I was initially wondering if all the stress of it was worth it -- it was!

I got there - finally - and immeidately ran into one of those tourist busses that takes you to all the major sites so you can actually have a chance to see everthing the town has to offer. This is just like the one they have in New York City which I took in October and since my hotel was far away and I did not want to walk, I hopped on and toured the city immediately and it was a great decision.

After grabbing some lunch and touring St Patrick's Cathedral (incredible place) and the Dublin Castle, I finally noticed the bus was stopping directly across the street from my hotel so I checked in and went back out to catch it again before it was finished for the day and rode it back the place where I started which is on this street called O'Connor, right next to the Liffey River which runs the length of the city center of Dublin.

The bus service was already through for the day since it is winter the service is shorter, so I had no choice but to hop off and walk across the street and along the Liffey back toward the hotel. It is quite a beautuful city! They showed us a hotel along the river that is owned by U2's Bono and The Edge so i ran across the street and went inside. It was a hip and upscale place, for sure!

Then I continued to walk along the river taking in the sites and sounds and got back to the room and crashed - again, having so little sleep the night before.

The next morning I was initially unclear about what to do. I still had some time on my 24 hour bus pass, but by the time I got up, ate a huge breakfast and got out the door, my bus had just passed me by and I had no idea how long it would take until another got there so I happened to notice the train station and decided to go see what trains were available because I had a vague idea of traveling south for the day to the southern capitol of Cork and going on a quest to kiss the Blarney Stone.

Sure enough, when I arrived at the station, the train to Cork was about to leave in a few minutes. I guess it was meant to be because it was so effortless i just bought the ticket and before I knew it I was cruising down the track into the gorgeous countryside enjoying my hot tea and book and relieved to be out of the cold drizzling rain that was falling on Dublin at the time.

The train ride was awesome. You wonder what could be so special and magical about a place with mild rolling green hills and grazing sheep. Doesn't it look like any other place you could see...yes, and no! I mean there really is such a magic to this place, it is no wonder it is the land of fairy folk and leprochans! (sp?)
We passed through and stopped in several neat towns and as we rode by you could see castles on the hills and quaint little villages and farms....wonderful!

We passed through one town called Limerick Junction which was neat and finally after almost 3 hours, we were in Cork.

The girl sitting across from me was nice enough to walk me to the bus station which was on her way and point me in the direction of Ciry Center which was also nearby.

Cork is the city of last port and stop made by the fateful Titanic before it sunk in to the Atlantic! I walked down to that dock and saw it.

Also I got to the bus station and realized I had one hour to walk until the bus would leave to Blarney and the Blarney Castle and Stone so of course, I had to take the bus because it was so close to Cork and worked out perfectly for me to do it.

I walked around the City Center which was absolutely stunning with the Christmas decorations and gorgeous multi-colored buildings all around...WOW!

Then I hopped the bus and wound through the other part of town which was very modern with big shopping centers and all of that and out into the hills again for a climb into the mountains and the winding road to Blarney.

The bus let me off and I walked about a mile into the castle grounds and up toward the base of this incredible structure. There were signs pointing to the stone, which was my quest, so I did not stop to admire the castle for long..I could do that after I finished kissing the stone.

Up, up, up, I climbed and I was a little bit worn out and out of breath by the time I climbed up the narrow stone steps to the top of the castle. There were places you could climb to look out the walls and battlements at the grounds, but I was still only interested in that stone.

When I got to the top, there were about 15 people in front of me and I waited patiently for my look at the stone. Incredibly, although they all looked at it, none of them wanted to kiss it...I was the only one.

Why? Well, because it is not that easy to kiss. You have to get down on the ground and lay on your back and do an almost backbend, holding on to bars that look all the way down to the ground below in order to reach it. silly really, but kind of neat.

There was a photographer there, of course, to commemorate the occasion, along with a spotter to help you get into the correct postion.

I immediately dropped my pack and layed down, muddying up my coat and backpack, but hey! Who cares about a little dirt! I had to see it for myself!

I am happy I do yoga for the backbend part, for sure, so I reached down and kissed the thing, still not knowing what it all meant until later when I discovered that kissing the Blarney Stone gives the person the gift of gab, which I dont think I needed any help with....maybe now I will really not know when to stop talking! LOL!

It was neat! I felt like my lips were tingling a bit afterward, but of course, that could be from the reverse bloodflow to my head! hee hee They say presidents, kings and all sorts of famous people kissed that stone, so I hope some of that magical mojo rubbed off on me!

Then I went to the wishing steps through a magical forest that I know was filled with fairies. The brochure I read later said some people are scared to go there at night because it is haunted,...I could certainly see why they say that.

Then I went back to town and had a couple minutes before the bus came and took me back to Cork where I walked to the train station again, just in time to catch the express train back to Dublin. It was really magical, for sure!

On the train back I ran into one of the managers who invited me for a pint in Dublin after the train got in so there I was at the end of the day in the Irish Pub enjoying my first pint of Guiness and watching the Irish band -- the same vision I had seen in my head before the trip, so as always, I knew I was destined to go there. Quite a magical journey, for sure!

Next weekend my friend Theresa and I will travel to Morocco which should be quite a mystical place and we will spend Christmas there! Until then....Happy Holidays!
Love, Shelley

GSN said...

Dear Dr Kaehr

I stumbled upon your blogs, must say very fascinating all your experiences. Also respect you for the depth in the field of your practice.

A lot cud b said about (both + & - due to various reasons) naadi joshyam, having visited dozens of them. Also having met a lot of people within India who are trying to prove its authenticity & otherwise. But on that later. I will send seperate postings with bulletted points to incorporate in your study on the same.

Presently I am going through one of the worst phases in my life which started in 1999 - 2000 and seems endless, hence am in a lot of professional misery.

Could you please help me by including my name (or whichever way it is suppose to be done) in your reiki prayer healing sessions, which could possibly help me come out of the gutter and see prosperous, consistent, steady, peaceful life.

With kind regards

Sesha Narayanan.G

GSN said...

Dear Dr Kaehr,

Sesha Narayanan.G, here again. If you wish to know any details for including my name in your reiki healing sessions, i request you to ask me clarifications at mail ID. I attend this ID many times a day.

Thanks again


venkateswarlu said...

Dear Dr.Shelley.
I have seen your post regarding your experience with Nadi reading.I am very much interested in such things like past life because I want to see the correlation between the happenings in this life and the karma of previous life.I am seriously thinking of going to a good Nadi reader.However due to some reason or other it is getting postponed. I will share the experience if I am able to get that opportunity.

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. said...

Hi Friends,
I am frantically trying to get Google to help me access this Blogger account since they took over this site awhile back.

My new website is and my Facebook Fan Page is at Past Life Lady.

I also have a new travel website at and you can Like my Facebook page on that one by going to Shelley Kaehr - Cruise Planners.

I have continued my traveling and found this old blog because I am going to be releasing some new books soon about these travels. I would love to continue on with this one if I can gain access, otherwise I will post again about any new sites. Feel free to pop on by my Cruise Planners page and let's talk travel.

I will be announcing some group trips in the not-too-distant future.

Shelley Kaehr